    第四类 其它配套元器件
       1. 可控硅触发脉冲变压器
       2. 阻容吸收模块
       3. 无感电阻
    第五类 肖特基模块/肖特基二极管
    第一类 可控硅模块/二极管模块/整流桥
    第二类 可控硅、二极管分立器件
    第三类 可控硅触发板和功率单元
电话: 010-82895337
传真: 010-82895621
Email: cdd@bjrtd.com
地址: 海淀区上地信息路1号国际科技创业园1号楼301
品牌名称: DYNEX
Dynex Semiconductor Ltd, is the only operating business of Dynex Power Inc and is based in Lincoln, England in a 4000m2 purpose built facility housing the fully integrated silicon fabrication, assembly and test, sales, design and development operations. The business was originally founded in 1956 and has used the prior trade names of: · AEI Semiconductors Ltd (AEI) · Marconi Electronic Devices Ltd (MEDL) · GEC-Plessey Semiconductors Ltd (GPS) In 2008 Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd acquired 75% of Dynex Power Inc. Our Products: · High power bipolar discrete Semiconductors · High power IGBT modules · High power electronic assemblies and components · High reliability silicon on sapphire IC's Power Semiconductors - Bipolar Dynex's Bipolar products consist of Phase Control Thyristors (SCR), High Power Rectifier Diodes, Gate Turn-off (GTO) Thyristors and associated diodes, and Pulse Power Thyristors. Our Phase Control Thyristors feature the latest Ion Implant (i2) technology which produces marked reductions in conduction losses which, combined with reduced thermal resistance, gives substantially more power handling capability. The voltage range extends from 1200V to 8500V and average current ratings from 500A to nearly 7000A. Dynex Rectifier Diodes are particularly suitable for IGBT inverter front-end rectifiers, very high current applications like aluminium smelting and trackside rectification. Voltages extend to 6kV and current to 11kA. Dynex is committed to the continued production of GTO's to service both new build and maintenance/refurbishment of existing railway locomotives. The range of devices is suitable for applications in main line and light rail traction drives and auxiliary converters. Pulse Power is an emerging technology and Dynex produces a range of asymmetric 4500V devices in three different current ratings, which gives a good trade off between voltage handling and extremely fast turn-on. Devices can be supplied selected in sets for series connection to achieve high voltage assemblies. Power Semiconductors - IGBT Modules Dynex offers a comprehensive range of high power IGBT and complementary diode modules. The product family includes modules with voltage ratings from 1,200V to 6,500V and current ratings from 100A to 3,600A. Circuit configurations include single switch, dual switch, chopper, half bridge and bi-directional options. All Dynex modules are designed and constructed to meet the most rigorous performance and reliability requirements in the market place. Our IGBT technology is developed in-house by the Dynex R&D team, and manufactured in the dedicated wafer fabrication and assembly facilities located in Lincoln, ensuring complete control of the manufacturing process from die through to fully tested modules. Applications for Dynex high power modules include railway traction, marine drives, industrial motor drives and wind power generation. Power Semiconductors - Power Assemblies The power assembly group design and manufacture a range of systems which meet specific customer requirements for electrical, thermal and mechanical performance. The long experience of providing systems which utilise the Dynex semiconductor range and the unique understanding of applications, enables the group to provide optimum power assembly solutions, which can include protection and control electronics. Air cooled and liquid cooled assemblies have been designed for Thyristor, GTO, diode and IGBT applications. SOS Integrated Circuits The Dynex facility in the United Kingdom is unique in that it has the capability of complete space component manufacturing on one site. The facility is a world leader in the space components market with some 20 years experience in the supply of products in to space programmes. SOS is a mature technology with a long history of successful uses in space programmes. Comprehensive Total Dose radiation data is available on all Dynex Space products . The Quality system is comprehensive conforming to all the requirements of MIL-STD 883 in the USA and certified to ISO 9001. There is an increasing demand for space systems that can survive radiation effects and ensure continued operation. Of all the current silicon based semiconductor technologies only SOS offers the necessary resistance to the hazards of single event upset, transient and total dose radiation also offering total immunity to latch-up effects.
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北京瑞田达技贸有限责任公司 京ICP备[0507921]号IGBT模块 igbt单管可控硅